Transaction monitoring

Financial institutions struggle with high number of false positive alerts in their transaction monitoring. With Convier, institutions can streamline the journey from alert to decision-making by automating data collection, analytics and reporting

An illustration of the alert dashboard unifying all relevant data into one view

Everything you need in one place

Create unified alert views with all the data you need to make decisions through one single window.

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Assess risk level at a glance

Quickly resolve false positive alerts with automated risk indicators

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An illustration of risk indicators for KYC

A holistic view of your connected data

Convier allows full customisation of how users can interact with data to make it easy to digest and analyse

An icon of transaction flows
Instant overview of sources and destinations of funds

Convier aggregates and visualises customer transaction data in an interactive application that enables users to trace the flow of funds

A screenshot of Convier's follow-the-money tool
An icon for a graph
Graph analytics without a graph database

Convier brings together internal and external data points to create real-world representations of your data so users can better understand and interpret complex matters.

An icon of a graph
An icon of a chart
Rich visualisations to tell your story

Define how to visualise your data to efficiently tell your investigation story.

An icon of a chart
Icon of a pin
Icon to illustrate something as critical
Icon visualising time
Icon for visualizations
An illustration of the report generator in Convier

Convey your insights

Autogenerate report narratives based on templates you define, summarizing flagged activities, conducted analytics, and the case conclusion in alignment with your AML policies.

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Embedded workflow

Convier eliminates the need for users to switch between applications for data retrieval, analytics and reporting.

Relevant data is weaved together and saved to your existing data stores, ensuring an efficient process without disrupting established operations.

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An illustration of how data is continuously synced between Convier and relevant internal data sources

Wondering how Convier can benefit you?

Book a demo, get a free user account or ask us any questions.

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